diundang kerumah kita, untuk sementara suruh saja ia tinggal di hotel, kalau perlu biar saya yang bayar nanti biaya penginapannya!" Si Anak: "Tetapi ia adalah kawan baik saya Bu, saya tidak ingin pisah dari dia!" Si Ibu: "Cobalah renungkan olehmu nak, .... Lain lagi dengan Semar: laeeee-laeee. .. mbegegeg ugeg-ugeg, sadulit-dulita, hemel-hemel. .. Pandhita Durna juga memiliki kata-katanya yang khas: Lole-lole soma lole soma rante, woh gembol monyor-monyor. ...
From the airport to the hotel = 49 euros 49 euros to go back (by a company ALLONAVETTE) has been added to 7 euros at the airport to stand with my name on board when you get down Manaltairp Metro moves = (3 = 30 Karnei ticket) + 48 euros ...
management of his estate. that's the way too she let loose the rabragh on the world, with the help of judge aubrey, just the ditto of herself. well, the devil is not able for her, christ pardon me; and believe after all she is ...